Monday, December 30, 2013

Can't Live With 'em Can't Kill 'em 1996

My quest for answers on the topic of love and attraction began in1996.  When I checked out the public access video equipment and took my inquiry to the Portland, Oregon waterfront. Where I posed the same question to each stranger who agreed to be put on camera responding to my question. In order to, capture their true and honest response I waited to pose the question until the camera was rolling. I would ask each man to finish this sentence “I hate it when women….” When we were filming a woman I would naturally ask her to finish the same question substituting the word “women” with “men.” Once we had compiled a sufficient sample of opinions my girlfriend, Marilyn and I went back to my home to discuss the matter in front of the camera on my upstairs deck overlooking suburban Beaverton, Oregon. 

To break things up I edited together segments of opinions with segments of our conversation about men as you can see from this five-minute video excerpt:

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