Sunday, February 12, 2017

Playing RJ's Mom for Video Ad

Monday, December 30, 2013

Can't Live With 'em Can't Kill 'em 1996

My quest for answers on the topic of love and attraction began in1996.  When I checked out the public access video equipment and took my inquiry to the Portland, Oregon waterfront. Where I posed the same question to each stranger who agreed to be put on camera responding to my question. In order to, capture their true and honest response I waited to pose the question until the camera was rolling. I would ask each man to finish this sentence “I hate it when women….” When we were filming a woman I would naturally ask her to finish the same question substituting the word “women” with “men.” Once we had compiled a sufficient sample of opinions my girlfriend, Marilyn and I went back to my home to discuss the matter in front of the camera on my upstairs deck overlooking suburban Beaverton, Oregon. 

To break things up I edited together segments of opinions with segments of our conversation about men as you can see from this five-minute video excerpt:

Friday, August 30, 2013

It All Started with Adam & Eve

Genesis 2:20-2:23 “... but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.” “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;” “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” 

The Bible teaches that God created man, then took one of his ribs to create woman as his helpmate. The Almighty understood the importance of the relationship between each individual man and woman, which is precisely why this issue consumes so much of our lives. God’s plan was to allow them to live together in harmony. Unfortunately, as we know the serpent tempted Eve to dine on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and as a consequence to this original sin both men and women have been suffering under conflicting guidelines ever since.

From the beginning, when Adam and Eve were run out of Eden for disobeying God, our genders roles were genetically engineered to fulfill their preordained roles. To understand our gender roles we must first accept that we women are indeed hardwired differently than our male counterparts. Men are motivated to join with a woman to procreate our species. This drive directs men to find the most appealing woman to bear his children. Likewise the woman is driven to survive and procreate with the best provider to care for her children. This was a brilliant plan because if a woman’s sex drive was as strong as her mate’s then not much work would ever get completed, potentially resulting in the demise of our species.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Should I Say "I do" to You?

So the love of your life proposes to you, so now that is it. That is it, really that's it? Suddenly your heart turns from the joyous fanciful vision of the two of you riding off into the sunset to love, honor and respect one another until the day you die, to enduring the demon doubt attacks on your gut. Holly smokes, the great "what ifs" bubble up from your nervous stomach, to beg the question "should I really say "I do" FOREVER to this person for the REST of my LIFE! Panic builds as your new fiance begins joyously spreading the fearful news to their relatives and your friends. But your skin is now hot to the touch as bile works its way up your gullet. The awful realization that you are indeed enduring a true panic attack chocking off your ability to speak as it smothers you with anxiety. 

Sad to say, but that is exactly what I felt like when my X popped the big question almost 27 years ago. Despite these not so subtle physical signs that I was making a BIG mistake, I did say "yes" when he proposed. Therefore, I dutifully followed through with my "I do" when I was desperate to scream "I DON'T!" 

How do we know when we really, truly have found that one person with whom we would most joyously wish to share our lives? 

Ask Yourself Do I...

  • share similar spiritual beliefs with my fiance?
  • feel better about myself when I am with my fiance?
  • love and respect my fiance as a friend first?
  • want to make my fiance happy?
  • find joy when I am with my fiance?
  • feel called to care for my fiance's needs both spiritual and physical?