Tuesday, March 19, 2013

True Love vs True Lust

Over the years since I first set off on this journey of discovery, I have unabashedly inquired of couples as to the circumstances of their courtship. Specifically how did they meet each other in the first place? How soon after meeting each other did they engage in an intimate physical relationship? I learned that when a couple met as friends and only months or sometimes years later became involved in an intimate relationship, they appeared to me to be far happier than those who met initially with the expressed purpose of dating one another. 

Therefore, I have concluded that like with most aspects of our lives the old ways are the best ways. 

In order to find true love, you need to wait to get to know the person as just a person without clouding your judgement with lust. As we know once the lust wears off in a few months we all begin to examine the true nature of our attraction towards our new mate to determine if it's really true love or simply true lust. 

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