Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Should I Say "I do" to You?

So the love of your life proposes to you, so now that is it. That is it, really that's it? Suddenly your heart turns from the joyous fanciful vision of the two of you riding off into the sunset to love, honor and respect one another until the day you die, to enduring the demon doubt attacks on your gut. Holly smokes, the great "what ifs" bubble up from your nervous stomach, to beg the question "should I really say "I do" FOREVER to this person for the REST of my LIFE! Panic builds as your new fiance begins joyously spreading the fearful news to their relatives and your friends. But your skin is now hot to the touch as bile works its way up your gullet. The awful realization that you are indeed enduring a true panic attack chocking off your ability to speak as it smothers you with anxiety. 

Sad to say, but that is exactly what I felt like when my X popped the big question almost 27 years ago. Despite these not so subtle physical signs that I was making a BIG mistake, I did say "yes" when he proposed. Therefore, I dutifully followed through with my "I do" when I was desperate to scream "I DON'T!" 

How do we know when we really, truly have found that one person with whom we would most joyously wish to share our lives? 

Ask Yourself Do I...

  • share similar spiritual beliefs with my fiance?
  • feel better about myself when I am with my fiance?
  • love and respect my fiance as a friend first?
  • want to make my fiance happy?
  • find joy when I am with my fiance?
  • feel called to care for my fiance's needs both spiritual and physical?